Saturday, September 10, 2005

a new light is rising in my project.
it´s related with waste management and energy.
in this little community, it's much easier to develop little pilot experiences.
I talked with the recycling manager it´s quite possible to implement easily the first initiatives. great! glass, paper, PET, biodiesel, compost...
all of these words will be the key.
ops, I forgot telling you about my new neighbour... he will probably become into water next week before knowing his name...


Anonymous said...

Freshening up the place
New logo, new column array, same content. I thought the blog needed a little dusting off.
Love your blog ! I'm bookmarking you!

I have a mlm site/blog. It touches on mlm related stuff.

Check it out if you get time :-)

Pablo Villoch said...

well, thanks for your contribution

Anonymous said...

El mono de nieve lo hizo Yohana Cartes. Escribele a para decirle lo bonito que está.